Elementary Montessori

The Elementary program at CREAA is for students between the age group of six to twelve years. This is the time when students need to be guided to channelize their curiosity to learn through exploration, orientation, imagination, repetition, precision and communication. The Elementary lessons and materials are multi-sensory, dramatic, and impressionistic in nature. They are meant to ignite the imagination and curiosity of young students. The Elementary Montessori Curriculum is dually thematic and integrated. This kind of curriculum helps to merge different subjects like Physics, Geography and History. This is a study of the physical universe along with Biology and Chemistry, which belong to the world of Nature and human experiences. With the Elementary Montessori Curriculum, each lesson in turn leads to multiple new lessons.

The four primary environments in a Montessori classroom are:


Montessori students are exposed to the study of the basics of Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Logic. Arithmetic is the Science of computing. By using positive real numbers and sensorial experiences, the concepts are instilled into the minds of the children at an early age. Mathematics helps in creating a strong base for the cognitive development in children. It also prepares them to develop abstract thinking through the use of learning materials that help to establish these abstract concepts very clearly.


Dr Maria Montessori refers to language as a ‘psychic organ’, which a child must build from scratch to the whole of Human achievement. In the Montessori method, children learn writing before reading. This helps children to explore drawing and forming of letters. Language is made available to children in natural and exciting form, yet it is controlled as well as playful and in tune with each child. In the language area, a large variety of reading readiness material for phonetic analysis, word attack skills and reading, as well as materials for the refinement of motor control for writing are made available to the children.


The scope of the Montessori science curriculum includes an in-depth preview to subjects like Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Astronomy. This approach triggers the fascination of the Universe in the young minds of children and helps them to develop and interest in the discovery of the world and nature. The Nature Table displays plants, animal and experiments. It helps children to understand the natural environment and introduces them to the concept of Science.


Children are introduced to various facets of art through materials, audio visuals, music and movement. Theatre and Library are also vital instruction medium to introduce children to arts.
Note: Before admitting your child to the CREAA, we request parents to take a tour of our school and observe our children at work and the materials in their respective environments.